Appeal for information after burglary at BP garage in Crondall

Police are appealing for information after the BP garage on Mill Lane in Crondall was broken into and multiple draws containing cigarettes were searched and emptied


The incident happed just before 1am on Thursday 23 June.


Officers investigating the case believe three people smashed their way into the garage through the front windows using large metal drain grates, before stealing the cigarette stock.


Officers are currently carrying out a number of enquiries to identify the offenders, including reviewing CCTV.


In addition, officers are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed this incident or has information which could assist the investigation, to get in touch.


Specifically, if you have seen anyone prior to this incident carrying large metal drain grates in the area.


Furthermore, police also want hear from you if you were driving along Mill Lane near to this time and witnessed any other vehicles in the area, or have dash cam footage?


If you can help, please call 101 and quote 44220249246.