Appeal for information following attempted rape in Havant

Officers investigating an attempted rape by Hermitage Stream in Havant are now turning to the public for information.


 At approximately 7.15pm on Friday 3 December, a 21-year-old woman was walking near Hermitage Stream by Purbrook Way when a man attempted to rape her before she managed to run away.


Police have been following a number of lines of enquiry and would now like to hear from anyone with any information that may assist their investigation.

Were you in the area at the time? Perhaps you saw a man acting suspiciously or saw/heard what happened at the time or in the aftermath?

Maybe you were driving through the area and have DashCam footage which may assist our investigation?


Police particularly keen to speak to a man who was seen in the area at the time in connection with this incident. He is described as:


White aged approximately in his 40s-50s

Approximately 6 foot tallOf stocky build

Wearing a dark coloured beanie hat, a dark neck snood which covered his face from his neck up to just below his eyes, a dark coloured Henley-Henson style waterproof jacket that went down to his mid-thighs, jeans and leather gloves.


A 57-year-old man from Havant was arrested on suspicion of attempted rape and has been released under investigation while our enquiries continue.


Senior Investigating Officer Detective Inspector Lee McClellan said: “We would like to hear from anyone who has any information, no matter how small it may seem, that may assist our investigation. We believe the man involved would have returned home that evening in a wet and muddy condition and would like to hear from anyone who may know who he is.


“Luckily the victim managed to escape and continues to be supported by specialist officers. We would like to reassure the local community that a thorough investigation into this incident is ongoing and all lines of enquiry are being followed.”


If you see anything suspicious or if you have any information that may assist our enquiries, call 101 quoting 44210485629. If you feel in danger or a crime is in progress always call 999.