Officers from Andover’s Neighbourhood Policing Team have set up a dispersal order as part of a clamp down on anti-social behaviour in the town centre
The order will be in place between 2pm Friday, 11 February and 2pm Sunday, 13 February and will cover the areas outlined in the map.
The order is in response to reports of anti-social behaviour caused by large groups of people in Andover town centre last weekend (5 February and 6 February).
It will give officers the power to disperse people involved in anti-social behaviour out of the town centre for a 48 hour period with no return. Refusal to comply with the order is a criminal offence.
Those under 16 will be taken be to their home address, and follow-up work will be done with parents.
The order also gives officers the power to seize anything used in the commission of anti-social behaviour.
Inspector Chris Taylor said: “We know that anti-social behaviour has a negative impact on those who live, work and visit the area and this behaviour is simply not acceptable.
“Tackling anti-social behaviour remains a priority for us which is why we have set up this dispersal order to help us further tackle this behaviour, ensuring Andover remains a safe place for all.
“Anyone who witnesses anti-social behaviour should call 101 or report it to us online at
“If a crime is in progress, call 999.
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