Police appeal for information following suspicious incident at Pryzm Nightclub, Portsmouth

Officers investigating a suspicious incident at Pryzm Nightclub, Portsmouth, in the early hours of Tuesday morning (14 December) have arrested a second man.


At approximately 1.30am we were called to a report that a 20-year-old woman had been approached on the dancefloor inside the club by a man unknown to her, who claimed to work for the venue.

The man escorted the woman from the premises and once outside the woman approached door staff who confirmed that the man involved did not work for the venue and called police.


The woman was not injured in the incident. Officers attended and are supporting the woman involved.

A 24-year-old man from Portsmouth has been arrested in connection with the incident and remains in police custody at this time.

A second man, also a 24-year-old from Portsmouth was previously arrested and has been released on conditional police bail while our enquiries continue.


Police would still like to hear from anyone with information that may assist our investigation. Were you in or outside Pryzm at the time and think you may have seen him or the woman involved during the incident?

Portsmouth Chief Inspector Rob Mitchell said: “Our officers are working hard to identify the man involved in this incident and a thorough investigation is ongoing. Anyone with any information, no matter how small it seems, that may assist our enquiries should get in touch as soon as possible.

“We know that incidents of this nature can be concerning and would like to reassure our communities that we have dedicated patrols in place at key times around our clubs and bars in order to identify perpetrators against vulnerable people, disrupting their offending and reducing risk and harm.

“We have also been working closely with our licensed premises within the city around how they safeguard their customers. If you feel uncomfortable while on a night out or are not sure about someone’s behaviour please report this as soon as possible to venue staff and call 101. If you feel in danger or a crime is in progress always call 999.”




If you have any information about this incident, call 101 quoting 44210499780 or submit information via the following form: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/cor/tell-us-about-existing-case-report/