Police in Portsmouth have today issued a dispersal order across Buckland after an increase of anti social behaviour in the area

A dispersal order has been issued in Buckland, Portsmouth, in response to anti-social behaviour in the area.

The order will cover the area pictured and comes into force at 1pm today (Friday November 5), lasting until 12.59pm tomorrow (Saturday 6 November).

This action comes in response to concerns raised by an increase in general anti-social behaviour in the area, including public order offences and fireworks being set off in public places in an irresponsible, illegal and unsafe manner.

While police teams have been conducting extra patrols in the area, they are now also making use of a Section 34 dispersal order.

Police are using the dispersal tool as a means to deal with this rise in anti-social behaviour, while supporting the local residents in line with their commitment to keeping communities safe.

The dispersal order gives our officers the power to order a person to leave the area for a 48 hour period with no return. Refusal to comply with the order is a criminal offence.

Those under 16 will be taken be to their home address, and follow-up work will be done with parents.

In addition, police are still working with both the local communities and our partners on a joined-up, longer term solution. Over the past year, police have been working with Portsmouth City Council’s Housing and anti-social behaviour departments, community wardens, the Hive, the Charles Dickens Youth Centre and Buckland Adventure Playground. Police will continue with this work to achieve the right outcomes for local residents.

Portsmouth Central Inspector Sean Hopkinson said: “We are aware that these incidents are caused by a very small minority of our young population, and know that many of the instigators do not live in the area.

“However we know how much this anti-social behaviour is impacting on people’s lives, having spoken to and worked alongside the local communities on this issue. This is simply not acceptable.

“While we have ensured that we have extended our patrols in the area, we also feel that making use of these powers to disperse groups of people will help us further to tackle this issue on this occasion.”

Anyone who witnesses anti-social behaviour should call 101 or report it to us online at www.hampshire.police.uk. If a crime is in progress, call 999.