Man sentenced for New Milton child sex offence

A man has been jailed for sexually assaulting a boy in New Milton



Martyn Quinn, 65, from Beechwood, Fordingbridge, appeared at Southampton Crown Court today (10 March) for sentencing, having previously pleaded guilty to one count of assault of a boy under 13 years old by touching.


The court heard how Quinn sexually assaulted the boy at premises in Gore Road, New Milton, on 2 January this year.


Quinn was sentenced to two years and three months in prison. He was also made subject to an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order, and will also be placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.


DC David Jackson led the investigation. He said: “Quinn’s actions have had a lasting impact on the boy and I would like to praise him for his bravery throughout the investigation which has led to this dangerous predator being put behind bars.


“I hope it reassures the public that we will do all in our power to bring sex offenders to justice and encourage other survivors of sexual abuse to speak with us.


“No matter how long ago it happened, or how old you are, we will take you seriously and support you throughout the process.”


For more information about reporting sexual abuse to us, visit website: