Public appeal in search for missing woman from Poole

Officers are appealing for information from the public as they carry out searches for a missing Poole woman


Emilie Leach, aged 20, was reported missing having last been seen in the Creekmoor area at around 8.30am on Wednesday 9 March 2022.


She was believed to have left the vicinity in her car, a silver Vauxhall Corsa with the registration AM58 OOG.


She is described as white and of slim build with straight, long blonde hair and blue eyes.


Chief Inspector Neil Wright, of Dorset Police, said: “We understand Emilie has been very upset recently and we are concerned for her welfare. We are carrying out a number of searches and are keen to locate Emilie as soon as possible to ensure she is all right.


“I would urge anyone with information as to her whereabouts to please contact us immediately. Anyone who comes across the vehicle detailed above is also asked to report it to us.


“Finally, I would like to appeal directly to Emilie – if you see this, please make contact with us or your family and let us know where you are as we just want to make sure you are OK.”


Anyone with information or knowledge as to Emilie’s whereabouts is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting incident number 9:133.