Several arrests made in an attempt to keep public safe at Southampton night-time venues after an increase of violent incidents

Several arrests were made over the weekend as part of police continued efforts to keep people safe within Southampton’s night time economy


Here are a few of the notable incidents that police dealt with over the weekend.


At 11.45pm on Friday, police were called to a nightclub on Bedford Place to assist door staff who were dealing with a man being aggressive to them.

Consequently a 22-year-old man from Reading was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a person thereby causing actual bodily harm and has been released under investigation while enquiries continue.


At 9.43pm on Saturday, police were called to a bar in Carlton Place after a man had been assaulted inside, sustaining facial injuries.

A 25-year-old from Totton was arrested on suspicion of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and has been released under investigation while enquiries continue.


At 3.17am on Saturday, police were called to Above Bar Street after a man was assaulted by another man in a nightclub, leaving the victim with minor injuries to their nose.

A Section 35 dispersal order was issued to a 20-year-old man from Totton, ordering him to leave the city centre and not come back until 7am on Monday (7 February).


On Sunday, at 2.36am, police were called to West Quay Road, Southampton, where a man was unconscious and laid out in the road with serious head injuries. After officers conducted enquiries, three arrests were made.

Two 23-year-old men from Gosport were arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent and a 22-year-old Gosport man was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. They have all been released under investigation while officers continue to investigate.


Acting Chief Inspector Clare Denyer said: “I would like to reassure the public that these crimes do not reflect the vast majority of people who obey the law when out at the weekend.


“But when certain individuals decide to commit crime in our night time economy, we will take action to keep everyone safe.


“It was a busy weekend, but the close working relationships we have with venues and other partners, including the city council and street pastors, meant that we were able to safeguard vulnerable people and bring offenders to justice.”


If you witness a crime, please report it to us by calling 101 or reporting online, or 999 if it is taking place. It helps to build an intelligence picture which ensures we have officers in the right place at the right time.