Over the weekend, officers from Andover’s Neighbourhood Policing team set up a dispersal order to tackle anti-social behaviour in the town centre
The order was in place between 2pm Friday, 11 February and 2pm Sunday, 13 February and this power was used to disperse two people from the area.
This was our response to reports of anti-social behaviour caused by large groups of people in Andover town centre the previous weekend (5 February and 6 February).
The order gives officers the power to disperse people involved in anti-social behaviour out of the town centre for a 48 hour period with no return. Refusal to comply with the order is a criminal offence.
Those under 16 will be taken be to their home address, and follow-up work will be done with parents.
A 28-year-old man was issued with a dispersal order after officers witnessed him causing anti-social behaviour towards another man in the night time economy.
A 16-year-old girl was also issued with a dispersal order after causing anti-social behaviour in the street and being aggressive towards officers. She was taken home to her parents.
Police received no reports of groups of people gathering or any other reports relating to anti-social behaviour.
Inspector Chris Taylor said “A section 35 dispersal order was put into place over the weekend, following reports about anti-social behaviour in the town centre the previous weekend.
“Our aim was to offer reassurance and support to our communities, and take enforcement action against those causing trouble in the town centre.
“I’m pleased to say that we did not receive any reports of groups of people gathering in the town centre or any significant reports of anti-social behaviour.
“However, our message remains clear; anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in Andover. We will continue to work hard, along with partners, to deal with this type of disorder whenever and wherever it occurs, ensuring Andover remains a safe place for all to enjoy.
“Please continue to report these incidents to us on 101 or via our website at http://www.hampshire.police.uk , every bit of information helps us to direct our resources and provide the best service to our communities.”
“If a crime is in progress, always call 999.”
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